Submission Guidelines


St. Gaudens Press Editorial Department will accept book proposals and submissions from agents and authors, so long as the submission is fully compliant with the provisions outlined below.


Saint Gaudens Press is a full service, royalty-based publisher. We do not charge reading fees and do not charge authors for book or ebook production. Our royalties paid to authors are significantly higher than many  publishers and in return therefor, we expect the authors' participation in promoting their book. All publishing is carried out by formal written contract. We rarely pay advance royalties. Contracting and payment for agented works will be conducted solely with the agent.


We expect our interests in submissions will center around popular fiction, romance, science fiction fantasy and popular market erotic fiction. We publish some books in hard cover, but most paper books are in trade  paperback format. We publish ebooks in both Epub and Kindle formats. Some books are only published in ebook formats.


We are a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) and subscribe to the Independent Book Publishers Association Code of Ethics.




Book Submissions/Queries:


  • We do not want queries about:
    • Poetry, unless you have a body of work that would justify a 200+ page book
    • Short story collection must be from one author and be 200+ pages.
    • Autobiography or journals, unless you are truly famous.
    • Picture books or coffee table books that require color pictures, even B&W is doubtful. Some pictures are OK in support of other types of books.
    • Text for children's books, graphic novels or other books that do not already have all necessary illustrations available.
    • Reprints of historical literature.
    • Anything that relies on another person's copyright material.
  • We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts, either electronic or paper. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be read, processed or returned.
  • Submission proposals/Queries should be sent by email to the addresses below.
  • Submission proposals/Queries should include a cover letter introducing the author and briefly discussing the justification for the book project. A one to three page synopsis of the book and a sample of the first ten to twenty pages of the book should be submitted with the cover letter. Put the cover letter, synopsis and writing sample in the body of the email, not as an attachment. Do not send anything else or anything different from what we request.
  • Do not send queries about unwritten book ideas, unless you already have a Pulitzer or are a NYT bestselling author. Screenplays are not books.
  • We are not able to return queries/submissions - it is an email, we delete it. We will attempt to respond to all queries in four to six weeks. Please realize that, at times, the query pile gets rather big and lots of authors have high hopes. Please do not send inquiries as to when we will respond or send multiple queries.
  • If your book project has been accepted elsewhere or is no longer being pursued by you, it would be nice to know so we can delete it from our pile.
  • We cannot always provide substantive responses to queries. If we do, it is our sincere opinion and not a reason for you to argue, get your feelings hurt or try to appeal.
  • If we decide we want to see your project, we will give instructions for submitting an electronic file manuscript. We will not accept typewritten or cursive manuscripts, only digital format.

If you have a query that meets the above guidelines, put the cover letter, synopsis and writing sample in the body of an email, not as an attachment. Make sure the first five letters of the email Subject is "QUERY." Send the email to:

for our California office, for general inquiries.




Please note: Persons who do not follow these simple submission guidelines will  be scorned and ridiculed during our Happy Hour conversations.



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